Self Assessment
Sometimes I don’t feel like my blog meets requirements. Making the shift on how I used to write in high school to now college has somewhat been a challenge. The wording and writing style is something I need help with as well as format. The problems I’ve ran into with writing a blog is the format. I often feel like I’m still writing a paper and not really putting my material in blogging format. I’m not sure about the difference in style between a blog and a paper. Despite me not always being a hundred percent sure I do always put my best foot forward with all my assignments to understand and get the best grade possible. Procrastinating is a problem I’ve struggled with in the past and as far as the semester goes for the most part I’ve been consistent with getting my work done early or right on time. With the exception of one week where I was late due to procrastinating because I fell back into my old ways. When it comes to submitting my work I always proofread and make my own corrections because I’m my own biggest critic. I know when I’m doing my best work and when I’m just doing the assignment to turn it in. At first the thought of my blog being public for my peers and others to read had me worried. Since I’m not the most confident in my writing right now I feel insecure thinking about other people judging me for it. On the other side though I don’t mind the blog being public because it can show others the progress in my writing and how I’m growing as a blogger. I value good and bad feedback because it only makes me motivated to get better. Somethings I’d like to learn more about is what makes a blog different from a regular paper and other writing formats. I’d like to learn the best writing format and how to start and end a blog. What I like about blogging is that I’m learning as I go and the big community blogs have. Before starting this I had no idea just how big blogging is and how many people do it. Overall so far I’ve been enjoying blogging and being a part of such a diverse amazing community.
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